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Moderna’s Work on a COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate

Learn more about Moderna’s mRNA-1273.

Time is of the essence to provide
a vaccine against this pandemic virus.

Moderna is proud to be among the many groups working to respond to this continuing global health emergency. This page summarizes key milestones in our work to advance mRNA-1273, our vaccine candidate against the novel coronavirus.

View Moderna’s stan­dard Infor­med Con­sent Form and Aut­ho­riz­a­ti­on To Use and Dis­c­lo­se Pro­tec­ted Health Infor­ma­ti­on for Pro­to­col Num­ber mRNA-1273-P301.Oct 22

Moder­na com­ple­ted enroll­ment of the Pha­se 3 stu­dy of mRNA-1273.Sep 29

Inte­rim results from the older adult age cohorts (ages 56–70 and ages 71+) in the Pha­se 1 stu­dy of mRNA-1273 publis­hed in The New Eng­land Jour­nal of Medi­ci­neSep 08

Moder­na signed a pledge to con­ti­nue to make the safe­ty and well-being of vac­ci­na­ted indi­vi­du­als the top prio­ri­ty in deve­lo­p­ment of the first COVID-19 vac­ci­nes.Aug 11

Moder­na announ­ced a sup­ply agree­ment with the U.S. government for an initi­al 100 mil­li­on doses of mRNA-1273.Jul 28

Non-human pri­ma­te pre­cli­ni­cal viral chal­len­ge stu­dy of mRNA-1273 publis­hed in The New Eng­land Jour­nal of Medi­ci­neJul 27

The Pha­se 3 stu­dy of mRNA-1273 being con­duc­ted in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the NIH and BARDA beginsJul 26

BARDA expands agree­ment to sup­port lar­ger Pha­se 3 pro­gram for mRNA-1273Jul 14

Inte­rim results from the NIH-led Pha­se 1 stu­dy of mRNA-1273 publis­hed in The New Eng­land Jour­nal of Medi­ci­neJul 08

Moder­na com­ple­ted enroll­ment of its Pha­se 2 stu­dy of mRNA-1273.

The cohorts of older adults and elder­ly adults in NIH-led Pha­se 1 stu­dy of mRNA-1273 com­ple­ted enroll­ment.Jun 25

Moder­na and Cata­lent announ­ced a col­la­bo­ra­ti­on for fill-finish manu­fac­tu­ring of mRNA-1273.Jun 11

The cohort of youn­ger adults (n=300) and the sen­ti­nel group of older adults (n=50) in Moderna’s Pha­se 2 stu­dy of mRNA-1273 com­ple­ted enroll­ment.May 29

The first par­ti­ci­pants in each age cohort were dosed in Moderna’s Pha­se 2 stu­dy of mRNA-1273.May 18

Moder­na announ­ced posi­ti­ve inte­rim Pha­se 1 data for mRNA-1273.May 12

Moder­na recei­ved FDA Fast Track desi­gna­ti­on for mRNA-1273.May 06

Moder­na repor­ted that Antho­ny S. Fau­ci, M.D., Direc­tor of NIAID, par­ti­ci­pa­ted in an inter­view with Natio­nal Geo­gra­phic, which descri­bed his assess­ment of the results of cer­tain pre­cli­ni­cal tes­ting rela­ted to the ongo­ing Pha­se 1 cli­ni­cal stu­dy of mRNA-1273.May 01

Moder­na and Lon­za announ­ced a world­wi­de stra­te­gic col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the goal to enab­le manu­fac­tu­ring of up to 1 bil­li­on doses of mRNA-1273 per year.Apr 27

Moder­na sub­mit­ted  an IND to the U.S. FDA for Pha­se 2 stu­dy of mRNA-1273.Apr 16

BARDA awar­ded Moder­na up to $483 mil­li­on to acce­le­ra­te deve­lo­p­ment of mRNA-1273 to enab­le lar­ge-sca­le pro­duc­tion in 2020 for pan­de­mic response.

The NIH-led Pha­se 1 stu­dy of mRNA-1273 com­ple­ted enroll­ment of three dose cohorts (25 µg, 100 µg and 250 µg) and expan­ded to an addi­tio­nal six cohorts: three cohorts of older adults (ages 56 ‑70) and three cohorts of elder­ly adults (age 71 and abo­ve). Mar 27

The NIH announ­ced that Emo­ry Uni­ver­si­ty in Atlan­ta would begin enrol­ling healt­hy adult vol­un­te­ers ages 18 to 55 years in the NIH-led Pha­se 1 stu­dy of mRNA-1273.Mar 23

While a com­mer­cial­ly-avail­ab­le vac­ci­ne is not likely to be avail­ab­le for at least 12–18 mon­ths, Moder­na repor­ted it is pos­si­ble that under emer­gen­cy use, a vac­ci­ne could be avail­ab­le to some peop­le, pos­si­b­ly inclu­ding health­ca­re pro­fes­sio­nals, in the fall of 2020.1

Moder­na con­fir­med that it is sca­ling up manu­fac­tu­ring capa­ci­ty toward the pro­duc­tion of mil­li­ons of doses per mon­th, in the poten­ti­al form of indi­vi­du­al or mul­ti-dose vials.2Mar 16

The NIH announ­ced that the first par­ti­ci­pant in its Pha­se 1 stu­dy of mRNA-1273 was dosed, a total of 63 days from sequence selec­tion to first human dosing.Mar 04

The FDA com­ple­ted its review of the IND app­li­ca­ti­on filed by the NIH for mRNA-1273 and allo­wed the stu­dy to pro­ceed to cli­ni­cal tri­als.Feb 24

Moder­na ship­ped the first cli­ni­cal batch of mRNA-1273 to the NIH for use in their Pha­se 1 cli­ni­cal stu­dy.Feb 07

The first cli­ni­cal batch of mRNA-1273 was com­ple­ted, a total of 25 days from sequence selec­tion to vac­ci­ne manu­fac­tu­re. The batch then pro­cee­ded to ana­ly­ti­cal tes­ting for release.Jan 13

The NIH and Moderna’s infec­tious dise­a­se rese­arch team fina­li­zed the sequence for mRNA-1273. Moder­na mobi­li­zed toward cli­ni­cal manufacture.

NIAID, part of NIH, dis­c­lo­sed their intent to run a Pha­se 1 stu­dy using mRNA-1273 in respon­se to the coro­na­vi­rus thre­at. Manu­fac­tu­re of this batch was fun­ded by the Coali­ti­on for Epi­de­mic Pre­pa­red­ness Inno­va­tions (CEPI).Jan 11

Chi­ne­se aut­ho­ri­ties shared the gene­tic sequence of the novel coronavirus.

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